Excited to be living just minutes away from Rachel when I move to Oakland on Tuesday!

Thinking more about anchors I realized that I should reflect on what is anchoring me and celebrate these embracements. Yoga is one of them. Ike the Bike is another. My wonderful friends and family are my foundation. Now to identify some inspirational and aspirational goals that I can pursue in the short, medium and long term. They are so close to being articulated and developed.
Speaking with Carolena of FatChanceBellyDance yesterday she stated what I believe to be true. If you visualize and build an idea the energy is put out there and it becomes reality. We are proving this with many of her business development ideas. They are coming true! Now to do the same for myself.
We practiced hand stands today in class. I was so pleased to be able to gracefully pushup into one. Nancy had music playing and I was humming along, whilst upside down. Then a wonderful thing happened, I found my balance and was able to be perfectly vertical without touching the wall. Everyone noticed and celebrated. I kept saying, "I'm doing it!" it brought tears to my eyes then and again now.
Balance. Support. Community. Embrace them all.
I can say with authority that Long Beach airport is the least sophisticated airport I've been to in a long time, maybe since flying into Ithaca when I was in college. Totally confusing, small and slow. They also offer the most expensive and smallest sandwich on the planet. $9.95 for a half size one.
Clearly I'm cranky and ready to get home. Oakland hear I come.