November 30, 2008
Holiday Photo Expedition

November 29, 2008
Kaiser Knows All?!?
It knew...
My address when I lived in Salinas, CA
I am/was connected to Stephen
My sister Marlene's age - how did it even know her name?
That I graduated from Golden Gate University
Either they are reading my blog, I am being stalked or everything is connected through my social security number.
Flash Back to College

November 28, 2008
Mini Winter Wonderland
Himalayan Pug Cat
November 27, 2008
Tofurkey Trio
Lady Bug Sanctuary
Are these fairies watching over me? They need names... Lady, Sandy and Penny. Starting to wonder if I am losing the plot.
Mellow Thanksgiving
I'll be dining on Foturkey/Tofurkey with my cousin Diana in Berkeley whilst my folks are dining with her parents in Westchester County. So, we're having a virtual bi-coastal gathering.
Turns out that my schedule allows me to be off work until Tuesday. My project over the next few days is to take my annual photo expedition to make images for my holiday greeting card. I'm scoping out the Golden Gate Bridge this year. Last year it was The London Eye from the Millennium Bridge over River Thames. Maybe I should make this an annual expedition to bridges around the world.
Ah yes, thinking about photography has pulled me out of my Foturkey stupor.
As a side note, my crackberry doesn't like to spell check Tofurkey and keeps suggesting that the actual spelling is "divorce". I suppose that could be a meat-eating computer programmer's hidden message.
November 23, 2008
Breaking My Heart for Baghdad

The conclusion was understated tragedy of legacy lost in this endless war, instantly breaking my heart for what was Baghdad.
Photo: Sofia Jean Gomez whispers tales into the ears of the king (Ryan Artzberger) when Mary Zimmerman returns to Berkeley Rep with The Arabian Nights.
Photo courtesy of kevinberne.com
Crying Out with Social Insecurity
I am especially interested in folks who are driven to undermine themselves and their organizations. Sounds harsh but I'm seeing it regularly. In coaching there is a concept called Limiting Beliefs. These are negative and undermining thoughts that directly connected with your core values, even if they are in direct conflict with your goals. Limiting beliefs need to be explored and hopefully dispelled if you want to reach your goals.
What I am now interested in is what compels people to derail meetings by trying to make others fearful. Is it control? Power? Ego? Actually, it seems to come down to insecurity. I've always been dazzled or perhaps dazed by people who are loud, critical and negative. In the past I've interpreted this behavior as power and security. After much exploration I now realize it is really insecurity that drives their actions. In fact, it can tip over into bullying quite quickly.
I don't have a psychology degree but what I do recognize amongst these folks is the need for attention. If they say something outrageous they immediately get our attention, even if it is negative attention. It is like they are crying out to be noticed, literally. Within an organization these people often, mysteriously rise to the top. Perhaps others step aside to avoid conflict?
As a facilitator and coach I focus on solutions. As these folks raise their endless criticisms and complaints I reflect on the goal and how these negative comments aren't getting us closer to what we've all agreed needs to be accomplished. It is a constant test of my "power" in the facilitation, and as the meeting leader I do have to hold that space. Plus, I need to ensure that the other folks, who may have fantastic contributions to make to the organization, are not derailed and disillusioned. It is become an easier task as I practice stepping back and not to getting all wrapped up in their issues.
In the past I would have taken their comments to heart - even as personal attacks. Now I know that they are just crying out to be heard.
Zen of the Prairie Dogs
November 21, 2008
Rene Magritte Gets Googled

November 20, 2008
Glowing Teens
What was most wonderful and brought tears to my eyes was the first question the facilitator asked the teens, please tell us your dream college." They each were able to immediately share the school of their dreams. I was so impressed. We were also asked to share the school of our dreams and I was surprised that Rode Island School of Design was my response.
I was shocked that through the course of the evening I had learned so much about student loans and financing that I was able to work with two young guys to explore the best financial aid options based on financial obligations.
The highlight was when they asked us what we studied, what our first job was out of college and what we do now. They were so impressed that I studied Cinema/Photo, English and Arts Management and especially liked that I had worked at CopyMat. Who knew that would be considered cool some day.
There's No Place Like Home
A few factors were at play. First, the fancy mixed drinks we had for dinner put me in a happy state-of-mind. But also it was the affection I saw between Stacey and Stefan this morning as they flirted. This is the couple I knew before they had two boys. It was a little peak into the affection that holds their relationship together at the core.
So fantastic to live in a loving home with great friends, their sister and two crazy kids and their. Redefines family.
November 17, 2008
Felt Skirt
November 16, 2008
November 15, 2008
Prolific in Felt
Textile Lab
This is a photo of the textile Lab. I love the windows and the great shadows. The room has a deep silence as sound is absorbed by the fabrics and low ceiling.
November 13, 2008
Healing Your Soul Deep in the Heart of Texas
Highlights of my visit...
- Staying with Sara Kellner at her tree house apartment for 6 days and. Experiencing the serenity of her lifestyle.
- Reconnecting with Roberta Levy after 30 years and being blown away by her achievements.
- Every minute of the National Arts Marketing Project Conference www.artsmarketing.org.
- Catching up with Jenny P over dinner at Niko Nikos and having her offer to join me to go visit my stuff in storage.
- Connecting with the folks who run or are considering starting Business Volunteers for the Arts in Houston, Portland, Miami, LA, and Phoenix. They've all inspired me to keep moving forward on the feasibility study.
- Facilitating the Release Your Inner Blogger roundtable discussions and making a new friend, Clay, who works at Theatre Bay Area in San Francisco.
- Adventuring with Jenny P. to locate and visit the three containers of stuff Stephen and I have in storage. After three years of dreading the visit it turned out to be a healing experience.
- Visiting the new Aurora Picture Show now located across from the Menil Collection in the heart of Montrose. Reconnecting with Andrea Grover, seeing how beautiful and relaxed she looks and bringing closure to feeling like I let her down when I left the Assistant Director job.
- Dining with Bob and Lillian Warren, catching up on all their adventures and viewing Lillian's new video work. How wonderful to be trusted by an artist to share their latest ideas.
- Seeing the new and improved Houston Center for Photography with its digital darkroom and fantastic library.
Leaving is bittersweet. There are a few more folks I would have loved to have seen but ran out of time. What was so surprising was how happy I felt here and that I could pick up and start living in Houston again with hardly a second thought.
The stars at night, are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
November 12, 2008
Storage for Life
November 11, 2008
Releasing Your Organizations Inner Blogger
The biggest challenge was getting started and then who will keep it going. There was lots of concern about letting people post bad reviews of arts performances. We're so enabling in the arts.
Getting staff, board, artists and volunteers to blog was like climbing a mountain. Came up with some great solutions.
- give people a tape recorder, have them speak their post and then transcribe. Even better post it as an audio podcast. Better yet, get them on video and post it.
- give people a digital camera and have them take photos and post those. How about backstage shots during the performance and posting them in real time. Imagine the buzz you'd build.
- have people complete questionnaires about there arts/involvement and post the responses.
- ask everyone to post a minimum of three words or a maximum of three sentences about how their work/involvement in the organization relates to the current production/exhibition.
The second session had many folks who post personal blogs. They had good advice about how a blog communicates your values and the same could be true for your arts organization's blog. This is done through the various topics, links and which blogs you recommend reading. One woman said that when they post bad reviews about a member theater company they actually get the most comments and sell more tickets because people want to see the show and witness just how bad it is...or is not.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
November 10, 2008
The Influentials
November 9, 2008
Houston Rocks!

New Old Friends
November 8, 2008
Back in the Bayou
Driving out of Houston's Hobby airport in my snazzy rental car a few hours ago the first thing I noticed is that this city smells like BBQ. A lovely welcoming fragerance. My friend Sara is hosting me this week andher cozy little garage apartment is about six blocks from my former Houston home. Driving around is like re-drawing latent map ib my mind - the same experience I had upon returning to San Francisco four months ago.
I had some Tex Mex for dinner at Chuye's which I actually only dined at once in the ten months I lived here in 2005-06.Would you believe I even bought one of the restaurant's t-shirts? It has martinis on the front and says "group therapy". I think I needed a Houston full-on experience to get in the Sothern groove. Let's just hope I don't meet any Palmetto bugs.
This blog was actually launched when I moved to Houston! Am I retracing my steps?
Life Without Crack
November 5, 2008
We the Electorate, In Order to Form a More Perfect Union

November 4, 2008
Fw: News Alert: Senator Obama Will Win Presidency
To: Amy
ReplyTo: nytdirect@nytimes.com
Sent: Nov 4, 2008 8:11 PM
Subject: News Alert: Senator Obama Will Win Presidency
Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 -- 11:08 PM ET
Senator Obama Will Win Presidency
The New York Times projects that Barack Hussein Obama will be
elected the 44th president of the United States, sweeping
away the last racial barrier in American politics with ease.
Read More:
Election Party
Over-Social Networked
November 2, 2008
Hal and Art
McCain Has Future as Standup Comic
November 1, 2008
Vote Early
Go Obama!