I am having so much fun reclaiming all these experiences, making new memories. Again, how will I ever return to life in the States?
February 28, 2009
Girly Rugby
Dreams Can Come True
Had the strangest dream at Michael's. Dreamed that I lived with friends and we had seven or eight cats. They were using a giant litter box out front and when I went to clean it, turns out there was a big hole underneath, like a ruff pit. I then became concerned that they would fall in if we didn't cover it with planking.
As Michael and I left his flat this morning I noticed that his front garden had a hole that some kind of cat had dug overnight. The bits of fill were spilling onto the driveway. Michael was surprised and thought maybe it had been a fox during the night. So very strange because the garden is very much shaped like the cat litter "pit" in my dream. Was I out there scratching? Goodness me.
Motor coach
This is my first time on a London Motorway. Never had the "opportunity" when I lived here.
February 27, 2009
Blue Bath Hat
We hurried into Bath last night and literally ran to the Thermae Spa for three hours of steaming and soaking. Ahh.
I lost my famous black hat on the train from Leeds to Cardiff the other day. Now I am wearing my backup blue hat.
All is good this morning as Leah just found me some Roobios Chai and she has a cappuccino.
February 26, 2009
Bristol Team
February 25, 2009
Wales Millennium Centre
February 24, 2009
Martin Closes Leeds
What an adventure and a tremendous opportunity which will be missed. We are figuring out how to work to keep us going as a team.
Leeds Town Hall Stage
This is the inside of Leeds Town Hall but not the room we're Presenting in - we're in a small meeting room. Haven't seen much of Leeds as we arrived at midnight and slept until 10.15am.
February 23, 2009
Reaching New Heights
Today was an amazing day for so many reasons the least of which was the fact that I presented in a room on the 3th floor with floor to ceiling windows with sweeping views of London. For some that would be amazing but for me the prospect put me into a sleepless panic for the past 5 days. But with the support of Simone, Leah and Martin I totally got over my fear of heights. It took many hours of meditation and previsualisation but I did it. Yesterday, in preparation, we identified what success would be for each of us at for me I was able to articulate a vision that had everything to do with strength. It worked! On a scale of 1 to 10 on a panic scale I maybe hit a .5 for a total of 3 minutes over four hours. Amazing!
I do so like working in the UK with such wonderful friends. How often do we get to live our dreams? Only when we imagine they can come true.
Simone Reaches Her Goal
February 22, 2009
February 21, 2009
Next Stop Cambridge
Last night I had a few too many drinks and then way too little sleep.
February 20, 2009
So Easy to be Back
No Place Like Home
Having a lovely evening with Pauline and Nim and had a wonderful reconnect with Val. Earlier had tea with Ann, Martin and Leah. Hum.
First Re-impressions
February 19, 2009
Lovely Lilt
Living in the UK I never actually heard the language spoken, although I did see it written. Fascinating as it sounds like some Eastern European language spoken in English, that description doesn't exactly do it justice.
Ike vs. Calculator
Packing my last minute trip-essentials my thoughts, however, were with my new super geeky calculator and not about wishing I could take Ike back with me to the UK. Sorry Ike but that calculator is da bomb. I am addicted to using it all the time, even for the simplest calculations. I seriously contemplated taking it with me but I am actually renting it from school and had visions of leaving it on a train to be mishandled by someone who couldn't possibly need it as much as me.
February 18, 2009
Getting in the UK Groove
I now have a UK data plan for the crackberry so planning on blogging as I go. Stay tuned!
February 17, 2009
Getting in My Space
First my friend Leah visited to put the final touches on our UK leadership presentations. Then my housemate Stacey and her classmate were up in the office studying for school. My last visitor was Stacey's older son Lex who is also my housemate. Lex is four and it was really a treat to have him up here because he treated it as a great honor. Even though we see each other almost every day he acted super mature and careful with all my little trinkets. He even said my glass heart collection was cool.
What I noticed about all these visitors was that they felt relaxed in my zone. Each one said it was so nice to be someplace so quiet and cozy. Spending most of my time alone up here I forget how much of a special area I have created.
February 16, 2009
Preparing for the UK
What has been most exciting about this business venture-adventure is collaborating with my UK partners and my two friends Leah and Simone. Leah is based here in Oakland and has totally blown my mind on her expertise and commitment. Simone is our mutual friend who lives in the UK. What started out as birthday week get-away with two great friends has turned into a co-presenting partnership. Simone and Leah have put in dozens of volunteer hours to support the agenda and presentation content development. We all see this as a tremendous opportunity.
Our first program is in London and then the next day we're in Leeds followed by a one-day excursion to Cardiff, Wales and then on to Bristol and concluding in Bath. Whirlwind of travel! Plus, I'll be doing a one-day trip up to Edinburgh. The final. Day of the trip Ill be hooking up with my yoga pals and former neighbors in my old neighborhood in Nottinghill.
Feels like reclaiming my UK experience and very similar to my Houston trip last November.
February 14, 2009
Valentine's Arcade
Me at 3
Rocking Statistics!
Midterm in two weeks. Now to keep up the momentum. Training in session.
This I Believe
4 min. 25 second Audio clip
webpage with photos.
February 13, 2009
Filling the Void
In our class we've been encouraged to notice where we hold tension and also not to attach too much emotional meaning to those areas. Therapy is all about obsessing over your obsessions. Meditation is about noticing. In this noticing the tension moved away from my throat and my chest and down into my belly. That alone was a relief.
Using my Neuro Linguistic Programming training I have been attempting to describe that tension for myself in terms of shape, form, sound and color. Notice, no emotions in that mix. As I describe the "qualities" of the tension I also breath deeply into the area. Last week suddenly (or maybe it took a long time and I suddenly noticed it) the tension was cut-off. As I sat and meditated and even throughout my day I noticed that my "internal reflexes" would try to find or create that tension when I was in certain situations, but the path was short circuited.
The tension is not fully gone, I notice that it is there when I sit to meditate. Feels like a knot in my belly that I keep breathing into to try and loosen. Something else I noticed this week was that I was eating faster and more aggressively. On Wednesday, following an intense client pitch session and prior to Statistics class I ate two ginormous slices of pizza and instantly had a belly ache for the next three hours. My belly was saying, "notice me." I didn't realize this until yesterday when I had eaten yet another meal at lightening speed. The absence of the tension is creating a void that my mind/body/subconscious (?) wants to fill? So very interesting.
Flowers and Proms

February 11, 2009
February 10, 2009
Flashback to 2002

Early Spring
February 7, 2009
Peaceful Evening
February 6, 2009
Survival of the Fittest
I must report John's bias as he has a financial background and certainly wants to aligned with "the elite." On the other hand, maybe the better you look the further you go. Perhaps these guys can afford to play hard and practice botoxing. That's a new term I'm coining "botoxing" is the act of trying to live backwards, to be forever young and to stay aligned with the beautiful people. But this beauty may only be skin deep.
Give me the grungy artsy dudes any day - as long as they are showered and have their front teeth..
Tap Dancing on Eggshells
Searching googlefor an image to include in this post I discovered that none exist. The world needs some images of people tap dancing on eggshells.
Stand by Me
It is worth a viewing.
Looking into the Playing for Change website I am inspired by the clarity, simplicity and creativity of their vision and solution. We need more of these kinds of non-profits. Ones that are making peace and speaking in the vernacular of popular culture. Social enterprise in action!
February 5, 2009
Making a Move?
Tonight I did the First Thursday gallery circuit with my peeps, many who are now part of www.meetup.com/BizArts and we had a wonderful time. One woman asked how I like being back in San Francisco and the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "I love it". That surprised me. She thought that perhaps my heart loves it but my mind is holding back. I think I'm ready to stop holding back. Going to wait until after my birthday to make any moves.
February 4, 2009
Alone in a Crowd
To finish off an unbelievably challenging day I am having a HUGE pina colada and veg quesadilla at our local Mexican restaurant La Pinata. At least half the people at the bar are alone and texting. Obviously, this includes me too.
Is this cool factor? A way of ensuring you're not bothered or an illustration of the ultimate loneliness?
February 2, 2009
Preparing for UK Business Trip
At the conclusion of our conversation the call centre woman, who had become increasingly excited throughout our call, (not because of my account balance), asked me where from the States I was calling. When I told her San Francisco I could just imagine the smile on her face and the gleam in her eyes. "Oh lovely, what is the weather like there?" I told her the truth, sunny and warm. "Oh bring some of that sunshine with you when you visit" was her response. I asked her about the snow they are experiencing today and she told me it had blanketed the entire UK but hoped it would melt before I got there. "I can use a little snow" I told her.