November 20, 2008

Glowing Teens

My friends John, Maureen and I were I East Palo Alto this evening to observe and help. Volunteer at a teen program called GLOW. It is a college planning series for teens that are high achievers but from economically challenged families. Tonight's session was all about student loans and believe me. If I had had this advice I wouldn't be carrying some tremendous student loan debt.

What was most wonderful and brought tears to my eyes was the first question the facilitator asked the teens, please tell us your dream college." They each were able to immediately share the school of their dreams. I was so impressed. We were also asked to share the school of our dreams and I was surprised that Rode Island School of Design was my response.

I was shocked that through the course of the evening I had learned so much about student loans and financing that I was able to work with two young guys to explore the best financial aid options based on financial obligations.

The highlight was when they asked us what we studied, what our first job was out of college and what we do now. They were so impressed that I studied Cinema/Photo, English and Arts Management and especially liked that I had worked at CopyMat. Who knew that would be considered cool some day.