February 14, 2008

Eton Mess for Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day I'm making an Eton Mess for Stephen. This is one of those desserts that is lost in translation. My mum-in-law has made it for us when we've visited Scotland and let me tell you it is the best tasting mess you'll ever eat.

Here's an explanation from Wikipedia:

Eton mess is a dessert of English origin consisting of a mixture of strawberries, pieces of meringue and cream, which is traditionally served at Eton College's annual prize-giving celebration picnic on the "Fourth of June" One anecdotal story is that the dessert was invented when a Labrador accidentally sat on a picnic basket in the back of a car on the way to a picnic.

-Crumble some meringues (pronounced murangoos as my sister Marlene and I would say)
-Mix them with whipped cream
-Add in some strawberries
-A few spoonfulls of strawberry jam
-Top with more sugar (if you're looking to have a heart attack)