Physiotherapist: "You're not using your large gluteus maximus."
Amy: (laughing) Excuse me?
Physiotherapist: "You're not using your large gluteus maximus muscle."
Amy: Oh, you mean muscle - OK - I thought you were saying I'm not using my large rear end."
Physiotherapist: "I'm sure it feels very comfortable to sit on but you're not using it so your calves and hamstrings are overworking. Push against my hand with your foot. See how overly developed you're calves have become?"

Amy: (glowing) "Yes, I am strong, aren't I?"
Amy: "They're on holiday, having a drink."
Physiotherapist: "Yes, they need to pack their bags and get with the program."
Okay, you get the picture. I am now working on awakening my large gluteus maximus with some targeted exercises.