Blag - talking your way into the VIP room
Cheeky - smooth talk to get your way
Pear shaped - something has gone completely wrong
Cheers for that - used mid-sentence to say thanks "Got the file you sent me, cheers for that, it was really useful."
Cuppa - a cup of tea "care for a cuppa?"
Bugger off - describing how you told someone to get away. "That guy kept bothering me so I told him to bugger off."
Chugger - charity mugger - this is a concept unique to t
he UK. People stand on the sidewalks and accost you into making a donation. Feels like you've been mugged by a charity. I give them the evil eye and shake my head "no" which seems to work. Kinda like using bug spray.
Do you think the Queen would be proud of my adoption of her English?

Do you think the Queen would be proud of my adoption of her English?