March 20, 2006

First Impressions on Returning to SF for a Visit

Stephen and I returned to San Francisco on our way up to Tahoe for a weekend of skiing and debauchery with our best buddies John and Nicole. In the 36 hours of San Francisco visit we managed to get in mini-gatherings with cousins Diana and Ben, Rachel, Naomi and John of the Business Arts Council.

First impressions:
Hills! Houston is so flat that the first thing I noticed when we touched down were all the hills.

Immediate stress. I lurched into control and freak-out modes of hyper spaz. Nervous? Emotion? Poor Stephen.

Memory Loss:
Couldn’t remember which BART trains went to what parts of the Bay. Forget that – couldn’t even remember the cities. Had to ask for directions, like a tourist, when we arrived in Union Square.

Dropped my bags at the hotel, ditched Stephen, ran out onto Union Square and put on my city face as I trotted down to Business Arts Council for a meeting. Immediately felt at home there with Naomi and Rachel.

We planned way too many short visits with everyone and by the end I felt like a broken record with no personality. Yes, we love Houston. The arts are great. Stephen loves his job. Next…

Started the first morning off with a swim in the hotel pool – at 6am since we were jet-lagged. Finally on the road to Tahoe with John and Nicole, eight bottles of red wine later and a million beef jerky strips and NOW we’re on vacation.

Ah yes, Heavenly.

Photo from Heavenly website.