November 30, 2016

We Still Have A Voice!

Take in a deep inhale and slowly release the exhale, following your breath. Repeat.

My Leadership and Organization Behavior students are running a post-presidential election campaign with the message #WeStillHaveAVoice. They have inspired me to find my voice through the empowerment of creative leaders. As an educator, consultant and coach I provide emerging and established creative professionals with the tools to articulate and pursue their vision. Now more than ever these tools are essential to the continued freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression is a constitutional right. The arts are where I am committed to fostering creative expression and my energy will be invested in guiding individuals and groups to run healthy, sustainable organizations. A strong foundation gives support to working together with a united voice.

I am a person who strives for positive, solution-focused action. It is easy to complain but to make a difference you have to take action. We need to see each other, listen and connect. Hiding in and behind social media is no longer the solution for my action.

In 2017 my priorities are:
  • Empowering aspiring and established creative industry leaders to pursue their organizational vision
  • Partnering with like-minded educators, consultants and coaches to ignite creative conversations that inspire actions and solutions
  • Facilitating restorative yoga and urban retreats where we exhale tension and breath in life force
I have your back.