One other fantastic feature of the Jamaican holiday was TV! I've been without TV, by choice, for probably six months now. Each night at the hotel I sat and indulged in TV. Yes, it wasn't the most social choice but I was relaxed and happy.
I watched Kristie Yamaguchi dance her way to a win Dancing with the Stars. It was so much fun to watch the American version after seeing a few episodes of the original UK series while in London. The next night I caught the finale of American Idol which was, well, interesting. I also caught an interesting BBC interview with Isabel Allende which.
And to my great surprise the final night I watched a former high school classmate, Dan Naturman, compete on Last Comic Standing. He was so smart in high school and I'll never forget the name of one of his term papers "The Ugly Face of Miss Nomer". I hope he wins!