Although I haven't been to Brighton Beach in the US I imagine it is much like its UK namesake. There was a boardwalk, plenty of fish and chip shops, tarot card readers, cheap jewelry stores, and "art galleries". However one big difference was the beach. The Victorians didn't like sand and so the beach was filled with small rocks instead. Actually it made a nice change as the rocks were filled with all kinds of shells and unusual seaweed that got stuck each time the tide went in and out. We even found a seahorse (which I wish I had taken a photo of but didn't). It was so beautiful even though it was dried up. Pauline has it for safekeeping.
Pauline loves scary carnival rides and as you know I don't. We were able to find one that we both enjoyed - one of those twisting seats that turns as the ride spins around and you listen to bad 80s pop music.
We ended our day with afternoon tea and scones at the Grand Hotel overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.
Pauline took a good photo of me at the beach and I love this portrait of her pouring tea.