January 1, 2007

The Alphabet Game

Two New Year's Eves running Stephen and I have been with my folks and now have started a kind of tradition in the form of a game. It began last year in Santa Fe with my Aunt and Uncle. There were six of us and each picked out letters of the alphabet from a bag. We then went to a grocery store and had to each present dishes/food items for dinner that began with our letters. The fun was in guessing the letters as we gazed out over our eclectic New Year's Eve dinner.

This year the game took a twist and went digital. Again we picked our letters and this time we each used our digital camera to photograph objects, scenes or items that illustrated our letters. The images were taken over three days during our exploration of London. Here are two of mine. Take a guess.

Clues for the first letter...

Clues for the second letter...

Answers below...

The answers are... Y for Yellow and then S for Shadow.