February 29, 2012
Squatting in My Old Apartment
February 24, 2012
Do Only Women Live Here?
My neighbors are so wonderful at my old apartment. We developed a fantastic little community and I will miss them.
One of my teaching colleagues told me she recently read an article about how people are now living more on their own. I live that trend.
Nearly everything is out of my old place and now to the new condo! The movers said that my stuff is so light. This is my goal, to live simply.
February 22, 2012
Holding Back to Mak Space
Instead I stood back, leaned against a table and clasped my hands. It was confusing since I felt like a bad apple. But really I was making room for them to own the event. I do not need to prove that I know how to put on a production, my job was to create an environment that allows them to learn, evolve and excell. They did just that. I had goosebumps and a broad smile from start to finish.
February 17, 2012
Strange Time in my Life
As I look around my apartment and begin to pack my possessions I realize that I've been on my own for almost four years. These have been fast and slow years with learning at every step. I've made some excellent choices and some that have been learning lessons. I've made new friends and let some friendships go.
For the first time I feel like I am really on my own. Every day, when I think of folks who have given me, or who are giving me inspiration and support, I send them kisses. I literally kiss the air in the direction in which they live and imagine the kiss reaching them, near or far. I value these moments of love, long or short, that each of these people have shared with me. It is because of this evolving web of support that I am confident in my choices.
February 16, 2012
Me in My Condo
February 15, 2012
February 14, 2012
One of the Best Days of My Life
This Las Vegas Adventure was truly MAGICal! So happy I was able to share so much of it with my colleague David.
Backstage Tour of KA!
February 13, 2012
Mighty Wallet
Hotel as Home
The room is actually perfect for getting work done as I am able to look out on the gardens and watch weddings all from the comfort of an easy chair. The only challenge has been entering grades via my iPhone's Internet browser because I refuse to pay $14 for wifi.
Today is the MAGIC fashion trade show!
February 11, 2012
One of my Favorite Places in the World
I often think about this place as a peaceful oasis in the middle of chaos. Today it has already proven special as I heard from my friend Dave via text while sitting here and also got the sad news about the passing of Whitney Houston via email.
Special places are where you can take in the good and the bad while still feeling nestled in warmth and comfort.
February 7, 2012
Smog and Fog Films
February 1, 2012
My First Book (Chapter) is Published!
165 pages. $24.95 plus shipping through the Center for Cultural Innovation.