From Arts Americans for the Arts
Dear Amy,
Congress has completed the final conference report for the FY 2006 Interior Appropriations bill, reconciling differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. We are pleased to report that funding increases for both the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) are included in this bill. Prior to applying an across-the-board rescission of 0.476 percent to all programs within the Interior bill, both cultural agencies received increases of $5 million each for next year.
A comparison of federal funding between FY05 and FY06 follows:
National Endowment for the Arts
FY 2005: $121.26 million
FY 2006: $125.66 million = ($121.26 million + $5 million) x .476 percent rescission
Net Increase: $4.4 million
National Endowment for the Humanities
FY 2005: $138.05 million
FY 2006: $142.37 million = ($138.05 million + $5 million) x .476 percent rescission
Net Increase: $4.3 million
The conference report specifies that approximately $3 million of the NEA increase will restore funding to the popular Challenge America program, providing arts grants to under-served communities, which the President's budget had originally cut by $6.5 million. The remaining $2 million of the NEA increase will fund the new American Masterpieces program, which sponsors presentations of great American works across all art forms.
The House of Representatives passed the conference report this afternoon and Senate passage is expected by the end of the week. The President has indicated that he will sign the bill into law.
Given the current national budget deficit and the administration’s proposed overall flat funding for the NEA and NEH, we consider these increases a victory for the arts. It’s clear that the strong support of grassroots advocates like you can make a difference in Washington. Thank you for your continued efforts.
Congress will recess in August and will come back to an aggressive legislative schedule after Labor Day. Please keep checking back to the Americans for the Arts E-Advocacy Center for the latest on other congressional actions impacting the arts, including funding for arts education, museums and libraries, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
July 29, 2005
July 28, 2005
Update on Free-Spirited Neighbor
Day 2. 11:17am prance on the deck, same time as yesterday. Note: wearing Lance Armstrong Bracelet, not fully naked. Activity: looking over edge of deck to street.
July 27, 2005
Who is Watching Whom?

This morning, while gazing out the window over my desk, to my surprise I saw a very naked man. Our neighbor was walking around his patio in his birthday suit. Looked to be around a 50+ birthday suit. His house is tall and the patio on which he was walking is far above the street he must have thought no one was looking.
I screamed, I laughed, I emailed Stephen at work. This wasn’t a short prance and I needed to share the moment. The neighbor stood out there a good long time, leaning on the side of his patio, looking in every direction, except for mine.
Photo of Tika: Feeling very sneaky today I took a photo of Tika using her snazzy new litter box. The bookshelf to the right is her favorite observation tower. She sits on the bottom shelf watching the lizards in the front garden. Who is watching whom?
July 23, 2005
Farmers Markets and a Free Trade Non-Profit Coffee House - And Houston's Not Progressive?

From living in Ithaca, New York, I learned early on that Farmers Markets are a way to meet people, support small business, and eat well! So off to discover Houston Farmers Markets I went.
Searching the web I found the Houston Farmers Market and was immediately impressed with the site content. Proud of myself I emailed the link off to my sister Marlene who use to manage a farmers market in D.C. and she too was impressed. Unfortunately it was Wednesday and their market is on Saturday and Tuesday so I continued my internet search, now that I was on a mission to meet people.
Surfing further I found three more farmers markets, one of which was was open on Wednesday! Off I trekked to Bayou City Farmer Market. Located just half a mile from Stephen’s office and about two blocks from the Renaissance Hotel we called home for several weeks, the market is hidden away in a parking lot behind an office building.
Despite the rain there was a row of drenched vendors happily standing amongst their tables of produce and products feeding each other samples. They fed me too. Chatting with them I learned that farmers markets are new to Houston and people are just starting to frequent them. I spent all the cash in my pocket, $6, and wished that I had had more to pump into their little market of six tables. Eager for me to shop organic they told me about two more markets. Both were open on Saturday so I looked forward to my first weekend adventure.
In true “I have too much time on my hands” style I researched the markets on the and discovered that Midtown Farmers Market at Tafia Restaurant an indoor-outdoor market, and Midtown Farmers Market at Taft Street CafĂ© were close to my house. I also learned that I not only live in Montrose, but our neighborhood is called Midtown.
Saturday arrived and I donned my hippest outfit and walking gear (aka funky Ithaca style hippie shirt and sneakers), and ventured out with handmade map and a liter Ozarka bottled water in my backpack. Despite learning that people do not walk, and especially not alone to their destination, as recorded in my July 18, 2005 post, I was determined to get there by foot. At least it was daylight this time. People did watch me with curiosity and various service workers along my route expressed a little too much interest but I smiled, greeted them and continued deliberately on my way.
Arriving at the Midtown Farmers Market at Tafia Restaurant, a 15-minute walk from our place, I again discovered a very small market but the restaurant itself looked really cool and instantly made it to my list of Places-to-Show-Stephen. I purchased some blueberries.
The Breakfast Klub next door looked even more interesting so I stuck my head in the door. Inside it was humming with activity. It seems to be a black owned and operated establishment with a rainbow of clientele. As I exited a group of four black men of various ages, dressed in matching pink/peach shirts entered, and I caught the tail end of their telling a woman outside the door that they are family and display their connection by dressing the same. Two thoughts came to mind: 1) another cool place for my list for Stephen and 2) why aren’t there businesses, families or community like this in Oakland?
Off I walked to the final market, the closest one to my house. As I arrived at the address I couldn’t figure out if I had the correct location. In front of me stood a brick building that looked like a community church. No sign of vendors. A woman walked past me and opened the side door and I followed. After my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting I was able to see a few tables with produce and some food products. Everyone was friendly and I purchased some bits and pieces.
Before leaving I ventured into another room and wow! I found one of the most interesting, clean and welcoming coffeehouses I had ever entered. In fact, it reminded me of what I always wanted to start, a coffeehouse with sinful desserts, quality books for sale, an art gallery, wireless internet, clean funky furniture and friendly staff. I was in love. Even more surprising is that the place is a non-profit. Houston keeps surprising me.
July 21, 2005
Finding a Home and Making Friends of the Arts

Now that I'm in Houston on the computer eight hours a day, linked via the virtual world to endless webs of information, I find myself constantly surfing. Add to the mix Stephen being away in Scotland for a week and you have the perfect recipe for becoming a hermit. Walk out your front door, you say, and meet some living souls. But where to go?
I started by consulting Houston City Search which, in San Francisco, features all the typical mainstream stuff - best sushi, espresso, shopping, sporting events. Same story for Houston. But an unexpected listing caught my attention Radio Music Theater's Just Shut Up and Drive. I visited their website and was immediately reminded of my favorite San Francisco-based improv group True Fiction Magazine. So, I following the instructions I got in my car, pulled out of the garage into the daily rainstorm and drove.
To my surprise the theater is located close to our house and is nestled in a strip mall of seemingly characterless shops. (That’s my jaded San Francisco voice speaking out.) Dodging water balloon sized rain pellets I ran from my car into the theater’s box office and immediately felt at home. The box office manager and I chatted about the weather, living in Houston and why in the world I would move here from California. (Even here people can’t understand why I would relocate to Houston, and I thought it was a San Francisco thing.) Only six hours until curtain and my date with myself.
Once back out on the puddle spotted sidewalk I took a look inside the window of the adjoining business. An art gallery. Must be that cheesy Thomas Kinkade stuff to be located in a strip mall (there goes that San Francisco voice again). Why not venture inside? I opened the door, took a step in and again had that magical feeling of comfort.
Oliver Goldesberry, co-owner of Goldesberry Gallery with his wife Nancy, greeted me and immediately apologized for the leaking roof. Apologize, but why? I was instantly drawn into by the quality glass artwork to remember the rain. Better yet, Oliver was approachable, friendly, didn’t look down his nose at me and was dressed in a Hawaiian shirt. This was so unlike the snooty San Francisco galleries that I was certain it was a struggling nonprofit. Incorrect again (there goes the last breath of my jaded San Francisco voice.)
Featuring the work of 13 glass artists from the west coast the pieces transcended the standard pretty glasswork that you see in so many galleries. From works that look like wood and metal to whimsical miniatures the artwork was innovative, aesthetically pleasing and comfortably priced.
The work of Karen Woodward tickled my fancy. A series of wall mounted 3”x6” boxes each featured a set of miniature glass characters. With titles like “The Caffeine Addicts, Cotton Candy Man, the Grumpy Candy Corn, and the Little Yellow Dude and Chicken Smuggler you just had to laugh. I needed some new friends in my life and searched for a grouping that I could keep me cheered as I spent my days on the computer.
I’ve purchased very few pieces of artwork and when I do it is because something triggers inside me. Maybe for some people that trigger inside is saying “good investment” or “my friends will be so impressed” or “it matches the couch”. For me it stirs up emotions. Karen Woodward’s work made me happy. Meet Green Wizard Story . They are continuing to live at the gallery until the show ends on August 6 when the wizard and friends will be joining me at home.
July 18, 2005
So Much for Evening Strolls
After today’s rainstorms the evening seemed lovely as the temperature dropped and the sky was clear. But more than just the bugs come out after dark. Unfortunately I learned quickly that women don’t walk alone in the night – unless you are a nightwalker or a transvestite.
After approximately five solicitations I ended up running home. I’m really frustrated because I don’t want to become a shut in if Stephen isn’t around. Guess I’ll be taking my car and doing some mall walking.
After approximately five solicitations I ended up running home. I’m really frustrated because I don’t want to become a shut in if Stephen isn’t around. Guess I’ll be taking my car and doing some mall walking.
July 17, 2005
Can Cat's get Jetlag?

We waited to take Tika the Cat to Houston until after we were settled into our place. While waiting for her yet-unrevealed trip to Texas my cousin Ben kept her at his studio apartment in Oakland. They fell in love. It wasn't the first time they met. Ben had catsat Tika at our various apartments in Oakland several times over the years.
While in the Bay Area this week for my first consulting visit I made sure to visit Tika as much as possible. The first night I actually slept at Ben's bachelor pad, which is like a dorm room. You can’t take a step without crunching something on the floor. There aren’t any surfaces, just places with things. 1940’s style built in cabinets and shelves are so thick with decades of paint they don’t close. Somehow he manages to fit a bed and a futon into the small space.
I was worried about Tika, even if she was only spending 10 days there. Let’s just say she isn’t in good shape. Well, she’s a big round shape but that isn't good. Last visit the Vet called her Budah Belly. Her 14-year-old legs don’t get her up on beds that well any more and she is a slave to food. When I went to visit her, she was totally happy at Ben's.
Then I began to wonder, should Tika stay with Ben forever? Would she freak out on the trip to Houston? Could she handle our various staircases with loft-style steps? What about when both Stephen and I travel? Would she be sad and lonely? And of course, she and Ben are in love.
That first night Tika acted like I was a familiar visitor but not the person who basically supported her eating and pooping habit for the past 14 years. Eventually she warmed up to me and slept at the foot of my bed.
At the end of the week I spent Friday night at Ben’s again. Tika seemed even happier and all night she went from my bed to Ben’s futon. But in the morning the fun ended. I packed up her stuff and she knew all was not good. She tried to hide behind various piles of stuff. Together Ben and I enticed her with cat treats into the plush new sherpa carrying case and then I took her to the vet to get her health papers for flying. The day’s biggest surprise was that in the last year she has lost nearly a pound. Now she’s down to 12.5 lbs.
Ben took us to the airport and as soon as we entered the chaotic terminal Tika began to meow that horrible sad meow of desperation. Instantly I became aware of her vulnerable position in the soft carrying case and watched as everyone carelessly bumped into us or nearly squished her while I checked my luggage.
Security was interesting. I had to take Tika out of the carrying case and carry her through the metal detector. She clawed at me and looked around desperately.
When purchasing my ticket and Tika’s online I had picked my favorite seat, an isle. All along the check-in process I made sure to let the Continental staff know that I was traveling with a cat, had a ticket for her, and all her health papers were in hand. Only when I finally got on the plane, in pre-boarding with the elderly and the young, did it become clear that her sherpa case would not fit under an isle seat. Yes, I had purchased a case less than the dimensions recommended but still allowing enough room for her to move around. It didn’t fit. The flight attendants, in all their graciousness, began to yell, “Ma’am, that has to fit under the seat, Ma’am, that’s not going to fit under the seat, Ma’am, it doesn’t go that way.” Thanks for pointing out the obvious, how about some helpful solutions?
The masses began to board and one flight attendant said that I should see if the person near the window would switch. When they arrived all they said was, “But Bubba wants to sit near the window.” OK, fine. I had to remind myself that Bubba probably saved up years of spare change to take this flight to Houston while I was flying several times a month. Don’t get mad at Bubba, get mad at Continental for not booking me into a window seat from the start.
Now Tika was getting jostled and she starts meowing and I think I’m crushing her to death. But we have to work fast if we are going to get a seat we can use. The flight attendant tells me to take a different window and when the person arrives just let them know they have to move. Once again, the real seat holder doesn’t want to move. I dig in my heals and don’t budge. It works out.
We take off and Tika is smooshed under the seat in front of me. Once we’re finally airborne I pulled the case out from under the seat, unziped the top and reach in to make sure she’s still alive. I can’t tell but her body isn’t hard and cold so that must be a good sign. Thank goodness the vet had given her some anti-anxiety medication. Maybe I could use some of the extra dose myself.
Finally in Houston we wait to be last off the plane – is this how people with children travel? We catch up with Stephen, jump in the car and get ourselves home. The entire ride home Tika didn’t make a peep. Once inside we took her up to our room, opened the sherpa case and let her out. First thing she does – hide under the bed like a kitten.
Eventually she came out to explore the house. The steps didn’t seem to be an issue as she adventured down, to our surprise, to join us watching Will & Grace. All seemed OK as went to bed and she continued to adventure. Sometime around 3am I heard that tell-tale sound of cat puking. Sure enough when we got up in the morning there was puke lovingly belched all over Stephen’s closet. He checked mine hoping that she had left me a gift too. No such luck.
Today she spent the entire day, until this very minute, hiding under the bed. As I’m writing this Tika has made her first appearance, rubbing against my leg as I type her adventures. Is there such thing as a cat with Jetlag?
July 13, 2005
Laptop as Consultant Accessory
Sunday arrived and I was already heading back to San Francisco. It was too soon. Our furniture had just arrived and we were still unpacking. Well, mostly Stephen was unpacking - he has a great way of previsualizing the setup and making it happen, so who am I to argue. No one can believe that I let him setup my office without me being there. But if he didn't do it I'm certain that it would be two years before I decided to unpack the boxes. After all, the most important documents are uploaded to my internet briefcase.
As Director of Programs at Business Arts Council in San Francisco, I had had the opportunity to interview hundreds of Executive Directors and Board Members of nonprofit arts organizations. Lately I have been thinking about my meeting with a representative of Business Streetside Stories. The arts manager described how his organization had an "anxiety drawer", a place that you tuck away all the things that you can't deal with such as rejection letters, bills, and unfiled paperwork. I could easily see my office in Houston becoming the Anxiety Closet and the laptop being the “active files”.
On this first trip back to San Francisco, I am in a new phase - visiting consultant. I packed up my paper files, ones that I just lugged halfway across the country, the laptop and my best summer/winter San Francisco clothes. Now, 150 lbs. of paper, luggage and wrinkled clothes later I'm using only a notebook of lined paper. The beauty of the internet is the ability to upload your files and avoid all this schlepping. Plus, with internet cafes and constant access to computers I don’t need the laptop. But isn’t it the most important consultant accessory?
Yesterday we convened a Merchandise Committee meeting for the Hearts in San Francisco project. A consulting team from New York, experts in product merchandising, attended with laptop in hand. In advance I had let them know that we didn’t have a projector and that a paper PowerPoint presentation would work just fine. They brought the printouts but out came the laptop, like a giant wall between them and us sitting on the table. It is almost a shield to avoid too much eye contact with the prospective clients. In fact, one of the consultants said, “we like to know what the other side is thinking”. At one point they turned the laptop around for all of us to see but the room was too bright from all our California sunshine and everyone had to get up and crowd around it to see the image – which turned out to also be in the printed handouts.
Next trip to San Francisco, I’m de-accessorizing.
As Director of Programs at Business Arts Council in San Francisco, I had had the opportunity to interview hundreds of Executive Directors and Board Members of nonprofit arts organizations. Lately I have been thinking about my meeting with a representative of Business Streetside Stories. The arts manager described how his organization had an "anxiety drawer", a place that you tuck away all the things that you can't deal with such as rejection letters, bills, and unfiled paperwork. I could easily see my office in Houston becoming the Anxiety Closet and the laptop being the “active files”.
On this first trip back to San Francisco, I am in a new phase - visiting consultant. I packed up my paper files, ones that I just lugged halfway across the country, the laptop and my best summer/winter San Francisco clothes. Now, 150 lbs. of paper, luggage and wrinkled clothes later I'm using only a notebook of lined paper. The beauty of the internet is the ability to upload your files and avoid all this schlepping. Plus, with internet cafes and constant access to computers I don’t need the laptop. But isn’t it the most important consultant accessory?
Yesterday we convened a Merchandise Committee meeting for the Hearts in San Francisco project. A consulting team from New York, experts in product merchandising, attended with laptop in hand. In advance I had let them know that we didn’t have a projector and that a paper PowerPoint presentation would work just fine. They brought the printouts but out came the laptop, like a giant wall between them and us sitting on the table. It is almost a shield to avoid too much eye contact with the prospective clients. In fact, one of the consultants said, “we like to know what the other side is thinking”. At one point they turned the laptop around for all of us to see but the room was too bright from all our California sunshine and everyone had to get up and crowd around it to see the image – which turned out to also be in the printed handouts.
Next trip to San Francisco, I’m de-accessorizing.
July 10, 2005
Photos of Our New Place
Another Kweskin Blogger
My brother Matthew has launched a new blog IkeaModder
I love Ikea.
I love the stores
I love the stuff
I love the design and
I love to express my style by modifying Ikea's designs- that's what this fan site is about!
As for our furniture, we moved into the new place on Friday and the movers arrived on Saturday - just 4 days late - but it worked out since we couldn't occupy our townhouse yet. The IKEA furniture survived better than I thought it would. Some significant gouges here and there from the movers, despite the protective blankets.
What didn't survive were some pieces of ceramic serving dishes, bowls and pitchers. At first I was angry but about 30 seconds into it I realized - who cares, its just stuff. Ironically the movers packed my 10 year old laptop that we were going to donate to charity. This thing weighs a ton and is almost dead. The problem is that it has my QuickBooks files that I can't delete since the old horse only starts up after much nagging.
Today I'm heading back to the Bay Area already. It feels too soon. But at least I'll be picking up the BooCat and bringing her back to Texas with me. She's been living at my cousin Ben's house and keeping him up all night with her meowing. Nothing new. She does it to us too.
I love Ikea.
I love the stores
I love the stuff
I love the design and
I love to express my style by modifying Ikea's designs- that's what this fan site is about!
As for our furniture, we moved into the new place on Friday and the movers arrived on Saturday - just 4 days late - but it worked out since we couldn't occupy our townhouse yet. The IKEA furniture survived better than I thought it would. Some significant gouges here and there from the movers, despite the protective blankets.
What didn't survive were some pieces of ceramic serving dishes, bowls and pitchers. At first I was angry but about 30 seconds into it I realized - who cares, its just stuff. Ironically the movers packed my 10 year old laptop that we were going to donate to charity. This thing weighs a ton and is almost dead. The problem is that it has my QuickBooks files that I can't delete since the old horse only starts up after much nagging.
Today I'm heading back to the Bay Area already. It feels too soon. But at least I'll be picking up the BooCat and bringing her back to Texas with me. She's been living at my cousin Ben's house and keeping him up all night with her meowing. Nothing new. She does it to us too.
July 8, 2005
Collaboration Essential in Creating Board Retreat
Next week I will be facilitating the San Francisco International Arts Festival's Board Retreat. The process for creating the retreat objectives and expected outcomes are sculpted into an agenda that I share in this posting. The planning process has been a rewarding collaborative process lead by a team of Board Members and me.
Launched in 2003 with pilot programming and presented again in 2005 is at a critical juncture. What is the vision, identity, design that makes this Festival critical to the San Francisco Bay Area's arts ecology and how do we create a sustainable organization? The retreat will ultimately address vision and leadership structure, two essential components to being successful.
The planning process has taken approximately 10 hours over three weeks involving a series of meetings and one-on-one discussions. Of all these meetings the most informative was a debrief discussion with participating artists, presenting partners, volunteer staff and board members. The outcomes will inform our SWOT Analysis (internal Strengths and Weaknesses, external Opportunities and Threats) at the retreat.
9-9:30am Breakfast and socializing
9:30-10am What we need to accomplish today and an overview of the Strategic Planning process – Presented by retreat planning team
- To establish a shared vision of what the Festival is and should become
- To create an overall framework and design for the Festival
- To identify and prioritize key issues that are important to focus on
- To achieve consensus on short term plans and requirements for next Festival
- To get organized and enhance working relationships across the leadership team
- What is an important outcome of today’s session for each of us?
We are anticipating that the outcomes of this meeting will provide a foundation for the recently launched strategic planning effort and help us to validate a realistic timeline and roadmap that defines the transition to the longer term vision, We also hope to start formalizing the leadership infrastructure and processes, with special focus on the Board of Directors. These objectives and expected outcomes will be validated with everyone during the first session of the day.
Communications and rules for engagement:
Participation, respect, listen
10-10:30am Management Analysis – “State of the Festival” – Presented by Executive Director
10:30-11am Group Sharing - “Who is the board?” – Facilitator
- Share a surprising and little known fact about yourself
- Tell us why you are involved in the Festival
- What do each of us want to bring to the organization?
11am – 12pm Visioning Exercise – Identity & Design – Facilitator
- What do we want the Festival to look like 10 years from now? What will people be saying? What are the news headlines?
- Discuss guiding principles
- Identify unique selling points for SFIAF
- Prioritize - will later become our strategic action plan
12-12:45pm Working Lunch – Defining Success – Facilitator
- What does success look like in the priority areas outlined in the visioning exercise?
- How do we quantify success?
- Ways that the board can support these goals
12:45-1:30pm SWOT Analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats - Facilitator
- Group discussion as they relate to our guiding principles and definitions of success
Internal Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses
External Assessment of Opportunities and Threats
1:30-1:45pm Break
1:45-2:30pm Leadership Development - Facilitator
In order to meet our vision, address our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats we need to address the following questions:
- What is the ideal number and makeup of the board in terms of background, skills and qualifications
- Individual roles and responsibilities
- Identification, evaluation and selection process
- Orientation and training requirements
- Governance structure
- Officers
- Committees and workgroups
- General operating procedures
What work groups do we need to create to make this happen?
2:30-2:45pm Break
2:45-3:30pm Critical Timeline & Work Groups into Action– Facilitator and Executive Director
- Important dates and decisions that need to be made impacting programming
- What is a realistic working timeline for the board considering schedules?
- Who wants to be on what working group?
- Who should lead each working group?
- Set high level timeline with high level outcome?
3:30-4:00pm Snack and Working Groups mini-meeting - Facilitator
- Meeting in working groups
- Set first meeting date, time and location
- What is your working groups’ 2-3 needed outcomes?
- Need to provide a preliminary report at the next Board Meeting
4:00-4:30pm Concluding Retreat
5:00-7:00pm Informal Social Gathering to Celebrate
Please feel free to modify this agenda for your organization.
Launched in 2003 with pilot programming and presented again in 2005 is at a critical juncture. What is the vision, identity, design that makes this Festival critical to the San Francisco Bay Area's arts ecology and how do we create a sustainable organization? The retreat will ultimately address vision and leadership structure, two essential components to being successful.
The planning process has taken approximately 10 hours over three weeks involving a series of meetings and one-on-one discussions. Of all these meetings the most informative was a debrief discussion with participating artists, presenting partners, volunteer staff and board members. The outcomes will inform our SWOT Analysis (internal Strengths and Weaknesses, external Opportunities and Threats) at the retreat.
9-9:30am Breakfast and socializing
9:30-10am What we need to accomplish today and an overview of the Strategic Planning process – Presented by retreat planning team
- To establish a shared vision of what the Festival is and should become
- To create an overall framework and design for the Festival
- To identify and prioritize key issues that are important to focus on
- To achieve consensus on short term plans and requirements for next Festival
- To get organized and enhance working relationships across the leadership team
- What is an important outcome of today’s session for each of us?
We are anticipating that the outcomes of this meeting will provide a foundation for the recently launched strategic planning effort and help us to validate a realistic timeline and roadmap that defines the transition to the longer term vision, We also hope to start formalizing the leadership infrastructure and processes, with special focus on the Board of Directors. These objectives and expected outcomes will be validated with everyone during the first session of the day.
Communications and rules for engagement:
Participation, respect, listen
10-10:30am Management Analysis – “State of the Festival” – Presented by Executive Director
10:30-11am Group Sharing - “Who is the board?” – Facilitator
- Share a surprising and little known fact about yourself
- Tell us why you are involved in the Festival
- What do each of us want to bring to the organization?
11am – 12pm Visioning Exercise – Identity & Design – Facilitator
- What do we want the Festival to look like 10 years from now? What will people be saying? What are the news headlines?
- Discuss guiding principles
- Identify unique selling points for SFIAF
- Prioritize - will later become our strategic action plan
12-12:45pm Working Lunch – Defining Success – Facilitator
- What does success look like in the priority areas outlined in the visioning exercise?
- How do we quantify success?
- Ways that the board can support these goals
12:45-1:30pm SWOT Analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats - Facilitator
- Group discussion as they relate to our guiding principles and definitions of success
Internal Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses
External Assessment of Opportunities and Threats
1:30-1:45pm Break
1:45-2:30pm Leadership Development - Facilitator
In order to meet our vision, address our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats we need to address the following questions:
- What is the ideal number and makeup of the board in terms of background, skills and qualifications
- Individual roles and responsibilities
- Identification, evaluation and selection process
- Orientation and training requirements
- Governance structure
- Officers
- Committees and workgroups
- General operating procedures
What work groups do we need to create to make this happen?
2:30-2:45pm Break
2:45-3:30pm Critical Timeline & Work Groups into Action– Facilitator and Executive Director
- Important dates and decisions that need to be made impacting programming
- What is a realistic working timeline for the board considering schedules?
- Who wants to be on what working group?
- Who should lead each working group?
- Set high level timeline with high level outcome?
3:30-4:00pm Snack and Working Groups mini-meeting - Facilitator
- Meeting in working groups
- Set first meeting date, time and location
- What is your working groups’ 2-3 needed outcomes?
- Need to provide a preliminary report at the next Board Meeting
4:00-4:30pm Concluding Retreat
5:00-7:00pm Informal Social Gathering to Celebrate
Please feel free to modify this agenda for your organization.
July 7, 2005
Simone and Iain OK in London
The news gave me a sad empty feeling inside. Terrorists in London. Our closest friends, Simone, Iain and their son James just moved back there after four-years in the Bay Area. Where they okay? I remember Simone telling me how pleased she was that their new flat was located near the tube. Too close for comfort.
Thankfully I received an email back from Simone saying that they and their families are unharmed. But you could tell she was shaken up, or maybe I can just imagine her fear from knowing Simone so well. Although she is one of the strongest, most practical and eternally decisive people I know this hit too close to home .
If Simone and Iain hadn’t moved back to the UK we certainly would have had to think more than twice about moving to Houston. Once they left we became a bit disconnected from the Bay Area. Thankfully we will be visiting in them in September.
Thankfully I received an email back from Simone saying that they and their families are unharmed. But you could tell she was shaken up, or maybe I can just imagine her fear from knowing Simone so well. Although she is one of the strongest, most practical and eternally decisive people I know this hit too close to home .
If Simone and Iain hadn’t moved back to the UK we certainly would have had to think more than twice about moving to Houston. Once they left we became a bit disconnected from the Bay Area. Thankfully we will be visiting in them in September.
July 5, 2005
Tripping the Light Fantastic
We left Amarillo on July 3 and headed for Dallas, home of JR, the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and the site of JFK's assassination. Big surprise, we arrived to ghost town. The best place time to stay in a fancy hotel for really cheap is July 4th. The $300 room was reduced to $85 and for $50 more, if we had splurged, could have had the $500 suite. Loving discounts and special deals I urged Stephen to consider but being practical and Scottish we went for the regular room. It was not disappointing.
After a splash in the rooftop pool we headed to the hotel's restaurant and got significantly sloshed, returned to our room and admired the various pre-July 4th fireworks from our 32nd floor perch.
July 4th began with a visit to the site of JFK’s assassination and the 6th Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza store. Being the only sightseers at 9:30am on Independence Day we were literally chased across the street, the exact site if the shooting, by a wee tour guide desperate to make some cash on tourists. We escaped into the Museum store and agreed that the place was a morbid reminder of that terrible day. Secretly we wondered if the neighboring businesses weren’t a bit thankful for the vicinity of the tragedy, as it afforded them business.
It began to rain so we ran back to the hotel attempting to dodge raindrops. No luck, my hair had that special frizzy blow-dried windstorm look. But the run was fun and we felt like little kids playing on a big empty stage set depicting downtown Dallas.
Four hours later we were finally in Houston. I can’t offer any more details about arrival since I fell asleep and only awakened as we pulled into the hotel’s parking garage. We’re Back! After a snooze we visited the new house, which had a moving van parked out front indicating that the previous residents were still packing. Knowing that this would delay our move-in we headed back to the hotel and decided not to worry about the situation. Instead we joined 20 or so other guests in the darkened top floor conference rooms to watch the various fireworks displays.
We all agreed that the downtown Houston display was spectacular! It was ten minutes of multi-layered and multi-height fireworks. Everything is bigger in Texas. Visiting the house again today Stephen pointed out that our view of the Houston Skyline would guarantee us front row seats at next year’s display.
After a splash in the rooftop pool we headed to the hotel's restaurant and got significantly sloshed, returned to our room and admired the various pre-July 4th fireworks from our 32nd floor perch.
July 4th began with a visit to the site of JFK’s assassination and the 6th Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza store. Being the only sightseers at 9:30am on Independence Day we were literally chased across the street, the exact site if the shooting, by a wee tour guide desperate to make some cash on tourists. We escaped into the Museum store and agreed that the place was a morbid reminder of that terrible day. Secretly we wondered if the neighboring businesses weren’t a bit thankful for the vicinity of the tragedy, as it afforded them business.
It began to rain so we ran back to the hotel attempting to dodge raindrops. No luck, my hair had that special frizzy blow-dried windstorm look. But the run was fun and we felt like little kids playing on a big empty stage set depicting downtown Dallas.
Four hours later we were finally in Houston. I can’t offer any more details about arrival since I fell asleep and only awakened as we pulled into the hotel’s parking garage. We’re Back! After a snooze we visited the new house, which had a moving van parked out front indicating that the previous residents were still packing. Knowing that this would delay our move-in we headed back to the hotel and decided not to worry about the situation. Instead we joined 20 or so other guests in the darkened top floor conference rooms to watch the various fireworks displays.
We all agreed that the downtown Houston display was spectacular! It was ten minutes of multi-layered and multi-height fireworks. Everything is bigger in Texas. Visiting the house again today Stephen pointed out that our view of the Houston Skyline would guarantee us front row seats at next year’s display.
July 2, 2005
Cadillac Ranch

Running down the road trying to loosen our load we made it to Amarillo, Texas and gave a quick glance at half dozen cars parked along an empty field. Zooming by at 70 mph, Stephen noticed that people were walking from their cars to a series of Cadillacs planted head first in the ground. The vertical column of colorful cars is Cadillac Ranch.
We immediately pulled off the road, chucked a U-ee (Stephen's favorite American term) and joined the crowd. Families of all ages, shapes and sizes were parking their cars and trekking out to explore the sculptural installation. The Cadillacs are covered in spray, proclamations of love from Wendy & James, Ben and Linda, Matt and Marlene (just checking to see if you are reading closely) Just when I needed a Hearts in San Francisco bumper sticker I didn't have one.
We wandered around the cars and photographed them from various angles. I managed to get some hip shots of folks trying to make sense of this unusual sight. Free art? Is it art? Why aren’t they charging? Whose idea is this? Hey we coulda driven our motorcycles up the path.
What I appreciate most is that the art is accessible, touchable, climbable and changeable. There are no white walls, controlled lighting, lines of tape on the floor keeping you away, or guards to intimidate you. Frankly, I glaze over in the traditional arts environments. My way of enjoying works of art is interactive. Maybe I am not alone.
Half Way to Houston
Aunt Patty at Shidoni foundry in Santa Fehaving a bad hair day.

We're in Santa Fe visiting my Aunt Patty and Uncle Nolan. Stephen met me at the Albuquerque on Thursday after his venture from CA to NM. Life is relaxed adn the setting beautiful. Perhaps a house in Santa Fe and another in Houston... in 20 years.
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